Buffalo Parrot Squawk Forums
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Parrot Squawk Forums Code of Conduct


1. Swearing: We understand that you may get frustrated, but please try to stay away from the swearing. If this becomes a problem, it's not difficult to add a filter. If it's a personal problem, expect a nice, big banning.

2. Spamming: Posting is fun, and we all do that here. But spamming (excessive unnecessary posting) is not acceptable. Please don't spam here, as it just gets annoying. It's OK to have a conversation here, so we go lightly on that. But posts including "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" are not right.

3. Verbal abuse or attacking another member: Please be kind to your fellow posters. If we notice you attacking (also known as "flaming") another member, we'll give you a warning.

4. Slander: The Parrot Squawk forums are a private forum. Therefore, slander is OK, to an extent. All is fine as long as you're not attacking someone. This includes racism, sexism, flaming, and anything else that might hurt someone. Using any of the examples stated to the point of hurting a member will result in action taken from a staff member.

5. Arguing: (it is okay to disagree, but please do so in a friendly, respectful manner): This kind of ties in with number 3. Disagreeing is OK, just don't flaming/spamming somebody about it. Just post and move on.

6. Photo Posting: There is to be no posting of images that contain pornography, images that contain birds in breeding cages or situations, or abusive images of birds.  This will result in the deletion of the image and will most likely result in the offending person being banned from the forum.

7. Links: All links are subject to edit by the administrators here.  Links that include pornographic content, disturbing content or any breeding facilities and/or products are subject to being deleted by an admin and may result in being banned from the forum.

Please note that all posts can be editted by administrators, and reported by other members. All posts can be seen by anybody that is a member of the forum.

Breaking any of these rules may result in the offender being banned from the community by an administrator or moderator!

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