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Pionus Parrot Care Guide

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Author Topic: Pionus Parrot Care Guide  (Read 2103 times)
Parrot Trooper

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Name~De'Andrea~AKA~Turquoise~Joined: 01/25/2012

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« on: August 13, 2014, 01:35:06 am »

Here are a few facts on the Pionus.

Fruit, Veggies, seeds, pellets, nuts, beans.  A good general well rounded diet will do them good.]/b]

Breeding Age:
Pionus can start breeding as young as 2-1/2 to 3 years old.

Talking Ability:
Pionus can talk, but the sound is a little raspy and not usually a large vocabulary. The Maximilian is usually the best talker out of the Pionus species.
Generally the males will tend to talk more readily but females can talk as well too!

Noise Level:
The Pionus is one of the most quiet species of parrot that you will find.

Affection Level:
The Pionus is not considered a real cuddle bug like a Cockatoo is. They like to be scratched on the head and do not usually like to be petted on their back and they do not like being put upside down in your hand unless trained at an early age.

Attention Level:
The Pionus likes attention but does not require it constantly like some parrots. They are contented to play well on their own... provide them with toys!

The Pionus is still not found in most pet shops, they are found more through breeders.

Pionus' are moderately priced depending on Pionus specie and range between $300 to $700.
Life Span:
Because the majority of the Pionus species have not been in kept in captivity for much more than 20 years, we are led to believe that they may have a life span of 25-40 years.  It is not known exactly of how long they really do live.

Pionus Fact:
When a Pionus eats, they dunk their food in the water often making it appear that they are drinking a lot of water. They are not always drinking the water, they are usually wetting the food. Do not get this confused with them drinking 'excessive' water.  Many parrot species do this, the Pionus seems to do it a lot more and this is normal.  The water usually has to be changed frequently, and considered  "Bacteria Soup" if you don't change it when it gets saturated with moist foods, pellets or seed in the water.  It can get very smelly especially on warm days.  Please don't let your bird suffer with drinking the "Bacteria Soup" all day long.

 Pionus Fact: 
The Pionus species makes a wheezing like sound when they get nervous, stressed
                        or excited and this is normal.


Pionus Fact: 
]b]The smell of a Pionus is known as a sweet "musky" type smell, some people like the
                        way they smell.

Pionus Fact: 
Pionus Babies that have red on the forehead or chest is only a baby trait and will be
                        gone after first molt. It can be present up to around five months old.

Pionus Fact: 
The Blue Headed Pionus does not completely have a blue head until they are about
                        year old or slightly older.

Pionus Fact: 
The White Cap Pionus does not fully have its white cap on the head until 8
                        months or older.

The Maximilian's beak can darken considerably. Some remain lighter in color.

Pionus Fact: 
All Pionus species have the red under the tail.

Pionus Fact: 
The Pionus species has a well known "strut" that they do! They flare and fan their tail and
                        puff up their head & body feathers and walk the perch back and forth. When doing this
                        be aware, they can be aggressive when in this strutting pattern.

Pionus Fact:
Pionus do not have an oil gland above the tail area like most parrots have.

I have a White Capped Pionus named Sierra Sunrise. I am not sure if Sierra is a male or female, but I call her a she. I have read that some of her traits sound more like a male which are usually more aggressive, especially after maturing. Sierra will be 1 yr old in 4 days on August 17th and I have had her since she was 4 1/2 months old. She is not a hands on bird, much preferring to be close but not held. She does like a head scritch and I can pick her up outside her cage, but that is all the contact she wants.

Sierra eats a wide variety of fruits and vegetables as well as her pellets, nuts and various snacks. She loves to beat up her toys and especially loves the little tennis shoes made for birds and sold on bird sites that offer toys and foods.

Sierra likes to play and climb all over her cage to being on a play perch when out. She is very cage aggressive and will definitely give me a smart bite if I dare reach in to do anything while she is inside. She is very good at doing the strut the article mentions along with poofing her cheeks and jabbering in a loud voice. Her jabbering consists of anything she knows and much not understood when she is strutting and mad. She reminds me of a Mini Amazon and they are often referred to as being quite similar without the loud screams.

Sierra has a lot of character and she loves to talk. Although a little raspy sounding she you can tell what she is saying and she learned her first word Ewok within a month of coming to live with me. I lovingly call her Ewok due to her voice which reminds me of the cute furry Ewoks of the old Star Wars movies. She can say: Ewok wants out, Ewok go night night, Ewok loves Mommy, Ewok hungry,  Ewok bad, I love you, and Gimmi Kiss.

Everyone is welcome to add your own experiences here about your Pionus.

Sierra Sunrise~White Capped Pionus

« Last Edit: August 13, 2014, 01:42:40 am by Nakia » Report Spam   Logged

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« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2014, 03:12:58 am »

A fantastic post, De with lots of info  thumb  :sharing:
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Codie, Yellow Crowned Amazon
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